Cool shit!

December 7, 2009

Woohoo I just found out there was an application that allowed me to blog on the itouch! How cooooool is that huh?! So that’s why I’m here.

Yay okay so this means I might blog more. Note: emphasis might!

Hehe alright i’mma go check out more cool stuff (L)


November 28, 2009

I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for this group of people, each and every one of them.

Being able to share the gift of music with this bunch of talented and fantastic people to bring glory to God’s name is heartwarming. I have never – in the early years my life – ever expected that this would be my future. Yes, I’ve loved music since I was young and have dreamt of many things but this is something I never thought I’d be doing.

And this is only possible because of someone who decided to shower His love and blessings upon us – Jesus Christ.

I would have never gotten this far, with these songs, these music compositions, this everything without Him there for me, guiding me each step of the way. What word to fit into which sentence and what melody to fit into which part of the song.

He has been working so greatly in my life and I can honestly say that without Him, I am nothing. I tried writing a song once, without first seeking God and relying on my human self and I failed.

I sat there holding the guitar, playing tunes, humming melodies, reciting words but none of them seemed to fit. And that was when I knew that I could not do anything without Him there with me.

He has given me the joy of being part of His divine plan for future generations to come and I am so glad I am sharing this with Deliverance. It would have been different, if it weren’t this group of people. It would have ended right at the beginning if it weren’t with this group of people.

God has placed each individual in my life to give me a new sense of belonging, a new sense of hope, desire, passion and strength. I know that this is His way to telling me He’s taking care of me and is watching over me.

And I would not trade them for anything in this world, not one.

Because Kenny makes me laugh even though (especially when!) he’s not trying to be funny. Best lets me poke fun at him and dart at his nipples as and when I like (who else would?!). Spanks is always the gentleman who does gentlemanly things. And Timmy burps in my face like nobody’s business.

We are not here just to make music together but we’ve bonded so well and we’ve gone through different stages in life together and now we are ready to conquer whatever the Lord tells us to.

Last but certainly not least, (most important in fact) is that God is here with us. And He is the leader of this entire body.

“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.”

Wow. It’s been light-years since I last posted! I know I promised to update with some incredibly interesting stuff but I haven’t had the inspiration, time and energy to do so and I apologise for that.

Anyhow, I’m here to bring you an amazing post! So sit back, relax and enjoy.

A quick update on what I’ve been doing… Went for red camp last week from tuesday to thursday and it was really awesome! All the knowledge about the various courses NP’s got to offer… I feel so much ready for poly life now.

Kudos to NP for that!

 Red camp’s one of the best camp I’ve been to because, no.1, the food was T.E.R.R.I.FI.C and the best part of it all? It’s free. No.2, the activities lined up for us were interesting and we did not have to walk like crazy in the sweltering heat because they even chartered buses that would drive us around the entire campus!

And to think I regretted signing up for the camp the day before it commenced. Now I’m all love and no hate. Hah!

I know I promised pictures but I’m honestly too lazy to upload any here. They are all on facebook and if you’d like to see them, you can always check them out there. Sorryyyyyy don’t mind the lazy girl.

Moving on!

Prom night was on Friday… It was another fun night! Everyone looked so different in a good way. But I have to say the activities were quite dull.

They should have just hired Kumar or some comedian to do a stand-up comedy instead of making us do stupid stunts like STANDING ON THE FREAKING CHAIR. Zzz how “innovative” is that! I mean, c’mon, we were all dressed to the nines and there the host was getting us to do all kinds of ridiculous things!

However, not wanting to be a wet blanket there, we were all supportive and we did whatever the host told us to. So… There.

And… After a whole week of intense partying, playing and having fun, I fell sick.

I know, you must be going “Aha! Stupid fool!”. YES I know that well enough.

Sometimes I don’t know what you want me to do. It’s like whatever I do, or not, you’d see it as something you can’t handle, or something that’s hurtful. I don’t know if it’s just me that you’re out to go against or you feel all the things you said because your words and actions do not match.

They repel like two north/south poles and I am totally whacked out with this whole crazy situation. You said you didn’t need someone with reasons or excuses but someone who would say sorry and be good again.

And that’s exactly what I did but I don’t see you doing what you said you would. It’s funny how I’m the only one trying to make things work here when you were the one who wanted to get it over because you were tired of me defending myself.

I honestly don’t get what you are thinking/feeling etc. All I ever wanted was for you to be honest with me. I never expected anything more. All I wanted was someone who would be there for me. If it was too much to ask, I shouldn’t have gone so deep in the first place, and I’m sorry I did.

Because when the push comes to the shove, I’m the one that’s feeling maligned and hurt.

I’m sorry for the things I’ve done too, but it takes two to get the job done. And the band is here for a mission, for a calling. If you can’t even support me with that and you claim to love me, then I don’t think you know the meaning of love.

Anyhow, I still love you and I will still wait. Because I believe everything happens for a reason and God does not want animosity between us.

So if you ever read this, I want you to know, I haven’t given up on us.

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

Ooooh… Crab shit.

November 7, 2009

I have come to realise, that my blog’s been a pile of crab shit.

Alright, first of all, I have no idea what crab shit looks like. But well, it’s shit after all right?! Gotta smell and look bad.

Second of all, this blog’s like crab shit ’cause it’s been dead since the dinosaurs forgot to board Noah’s ark and therefore it reeks of rotting blog posts.


And I realise I needa add life here. So pictures soon!


“I warn you as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

I just wanna be happy

November 3, 2009

So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground?

I gotta find my place,
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about other pain in front of me,
I just wanna be happy.


I feel so extra super mega fat. This means? EXERCISE + DIET LIKE CRAZY AFTER O’S. It’s coming it’s coming it’s comingggggggggggg.

Can you smell it? Freedom is in the air!

“But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.” Rid me of myself, I belong to You.

Show me I’m yours

October 14, 2009

So I sat down on the couch last night and did some reflection. A million issues never fail to flutter through my mind simultaneously. When I say a million issues, I mean a million strings of questions, thoughts, statements and what not.

Sometimes I wonder if the good things that happen to me are my downfall. If (some) of the bad things that happen to me actually builds me up on the inside, making me a better person etc, of course that excludes the ones that are reeeaaally sinful like, say, telling a lie and then telling another lie to cover up for the previous one which I cannot undo?

On the other hand, B made a such a great statement that crashed through my strand of thoughts this morning. What she merely said was, “It’s the devil.”

Yes, okay, I know, you must be seeing a line of full stops or ‘zzz’s now. But you wouldn’t know the whole great-philosophical-impact-thing behind that statement because I never told you! Aha!

It meant the universe to me.

I’m so thankful for her, at all times. I know she’s the angel God placed in my life. So to the phrase, “Behind every succesful woman….”, I have done some alterations and here’s how mine sounds:

Behind every succesful woman… Is a true friend who never fails.

B never fails me, she slaps me out of my trance-like states (whenever I’m in one), she encourages and supports, and even though there are times when I feel like pulling out all her hair, her God-given talents that emanates out of her and touches the people surrounding her surpasses the unhappy times.

Quiet time has never been better. Today’s devotion spoke exceptionally greatly to me.

“Lord, remind me again how I’m yours.”


October 11, 2009

Have you ever crossed boundaries unintentionally only to realise it’s too late and all that you’ve struggled for ferociously – to keep the distance, to prevent triggering back that life you once had – is now staring at you in the face, with its enormous, enchanting demeanour sucking you right back into its whirlpool of emotions and thoughts?

I stepped pass that threshold today.

Somehow, I retrieved back that old sense of feeling just by standing there, at that rooftop. It made me think about the past, the things I did there. The things I did there with people, who seem to be so distant yet vicinal.

It made me wonder how I could have possibly fallen so so so deep for anyone. I pictured myself doing the same things with other people, with people whom I could actually try sharing with, but somewhere deep down within me, someone or something disagreed with that thought.

Maybe it was the way you made me feel whenever I’m out with you. Or maybe it’s the way you never got mad at me, for all the times I threw fits of rage at you. Or it could be the way I relied on you so much that no one else mattered to me, ’cause you made up for the entire universe I didn’t see. Or it might be the way you held me, constantly penning those three words into my palm with your fingers.

But I’m certain it’s without a doubt the way you whispered ‘I love you’s into my ear, which would indefinitely send me into bubbles of giggles.

I counted on you with my life, I would have ran away from this life just to be with you if you’d asked me to. I would have pulled the craziest stunt if it meant that life with you never ceased. I thought we had our futures mapped out together.

I was wrong.

Hah, but that doesn’t leave me hopeless. Because no matter how great the hole you burnt in me, I got back on my two feet. And found the greatest love of all.

Jesus Christ. He’s my all.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Grad service was today! It wasn’t that saddening as compared to last year ’cause… (wait for it wait for it) we still have school next week!

#$!#$#%^&*&*&^%$# right? I know!

But I’m thankful the school even decided to give us another extra week of lessons, because I think we could really use them. Especially for people like me, (very kiasu) who are easily agitated when we cannot find a solution to a question.

So yes, I’m grateful to the teachers. And Mr. Chandra who took the time to explain a whole topic of bio to me and spanks! I must say he’s an awesome teacher.

Actually, all my teachers are awesome. Right from Ms. Zhang (form teacher of this year), to all the individual teachers of various subjects since sec1.

Come to think of it, graduating this year would be more disheartening as we would never have the priviledge of going for lessons back at PHS anymore, next friday is our last and I will cherish the whole of next week!


I admit there were times that I really felt like I had chosen the wrong school and had thoughts about leaving, but ultimately when it comes down to this, I cannot say how much I feel about the entire PHS life, because putting them in words seem too undervalued.

The whole experience is just indescribable and you have to live it to understand how I feel.

But as we all grow older, and closer to our dreams and goals, we have to move with the times and continue with our future endeavours.

This is getting more and more depressing!

On a lighter note, I wrote another song today! That brings the total to twelve (and a half) songs in my composition book and still counting.

I never knew song writing and composing could be this fun, I honestly enjoy it so much. I want to write and compose songs for the rest of my life.

This is one entitled, “Keep Going“, and it’s something different. Though it has to do with Christ (all my songs will), it’s not a praise nor a worship song.

It will go up on our myspace after ‘O’ levels, all of the twelve songs will, so tahan a bit more! I assure you it’ll be awesome! We’d be cutting our album and it’ll be so much fun! Ooh, the activities after ‘O’s! Caaan’t waaait!!!

You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I’m falling and I, I’m lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier…

 Yes you do.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Finally all my prelim papers are over! It took this long for me to realise that ‘O’ levels is in a matter of weeks. Actually, I’ve been counting down. But it took me this long to get excited and tense about it.

We’ve done the recordings for all my songs and the results? Crap.

Blame it on the limited amount of time we have. But I promised myself I’d give my best after O’s, and the next time we record, I’d dedicate a whole day for one song. And I’m gonna make sure it’s perfection before I move on to the next one.

So yes, I’m leaving everything till after November 11th. Dang, I can’t wait for that day to come! Just thinking about it gives me an adrenaline rush!


Anyway, we’ve already got plenty of performances lined up for us after O’s, and we are going to busy the busiest teenagers alive on this planet.

I want to get a job, I want to record more songs, I want to write more songs, I want to have band camp, I want to have band meetings, I want to continue with piano lessons, I want to learn more of the drums, I want to expand my songwriting career, I want to do everything I can under the sun to glorify the name of our awesome Heavenly Father!!!

The recent news regarding the group of teenage boys who attempted suicide to “save the world” really affected me badly. I vowed to myself that I’d do everything in my power, to save the my generation and the generations to come. I am so determined to win the youth for God.

And I intend to achieve that through my music. I want to impact, change and transform lives. The lives of the generations to come.

Anyway, I’m getting kinda sick of blogging now that there’s Twitter. It’s fast, efficient and convenient. Got something to say? Tweet it.

I don’t have to waste time turning on the laptop, log on, and access the internet and sit in front of the laptop typing out chunks and chunks of words. I can do it on-the-go!

The only thing that’s imperfect about it, is the limited amount of words you can use. But well, beats wasting electricity! So yes, way to go Twitter!

My eyes are closing, my body is resigning into slumber mode. So this is me going.

Much love, xoxo

“I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”

The squabbles

September 17, 2009

In case y’all  still don’t know, Sirbest Wong is now known as Nippleboy.

So anyway, the reason why he was named after nipples, is because…well…I’ve been targetting them.

Yes, I know I’m aggresive but all you scaredy cats out there need not worry because nipple pinching is also for THREE (maybe four) humans in this world.

1. My brother (hohoho, lives with me *cadbury eyebrows*.)
2. Joey Tan (he got it bad, haha!)
3. Sirbest Wong (poor poor child)

The forth one is the poor lad who is gonna be marrying me in the future. That’s of course if he bullies me! It’s good self defence!

In a recent conversation…

Nippleboy: “Go beach eat what?”
Timo: “Cup noodles la!”
Nippleboy: “Serious ah?!”
Timo: “Think with your brain, not your nipples!”




“How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation.” Indeed Lord, you reign above all.